Wes Morriston "A critique of the Kalam cosmological argument"
Graham Oppy "Book review: Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology "
Quentin Smith "Can everything come to be without a cause?"
Quentin Smith "Causation and the logical impossibility of a Divine ņause"
Wes Morriston "Causes and beginnings in the Kalam argument: reply to Craig"
Wes Morriston "Could the past be infinite?"
Wes Morriston "Craig on the actual infinite"
Wes Morriston "Creation ex nihilo and the Big Bang"
James Still "Eternity and time in William Lane Craig's Kalam cosmological argument"
Graham Oppy "Inverse operations with transfinite numbers and the Kalam cosmological argument"
Wes Morriston "Must the beginning of the Universe have a personal cause?"
Wes Morriston "Must the past have a beginning?"
Graham Oppy "Professor William Craig's criticisms of critiques of Kalam cosmological arguments By Paul Davies, Stephen Hawking, and Adolf Grunbaum"
Graham Oppy "Reply to professor Craig"
William Craig "The Craig-Smith debate: does the Universe have a Divine cause?"
Quentin Smith "The reason the Universe exists is that it caused itself to exist"
Quentin Smith "The uncaused beginning of the Universe " |