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Cosmological Kalam argument

Wes Morriston "A critique of the Kalam cosmological argument" [eng]

Graham Oppy "Book review: Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology " [eng]

Quentin Smith "Can everything come to be without a cause?" [eng]

Quentin Smith "Causation and the logical impossibility of a Divine ņause" [eng]

Wes Morriston "Causes and beginnings in the Kalam argument: reply to Craig" [eng]

Wes Morriston "Could the past be infinite?" [eng]

Wes Morriston "Craig on the actual infinite" [eng]

Wes Morriston "Creation ex nihilo and the Big Bang" [eng]

James Still "Eternity and time in William Lane Craig's Kalam cosmological argument" [eng]

Graham Oppy "Inverse operations with transfinite numbers and the Kalam cosmological argument" [eng]

Wes Morriston "Must the beginning of the Universe have a personal cause?" [eng]

Wes Morriston "Must the past have a beginning?" [eng]

Graham Oppy "Professor William Craig's criticisms of critiques of Kalam cosmological arguments By Paul Davies, Stephen Hawking, and Adolf Grunbaum" [eng]

Graham Oppy "Reply to professor Craig" [eng]

William Craig "The Craig-Smith debate: does the Universe have a Divine cause?" [eng]

Quentin Smith "The reason the Universe exists is that it caused itself to exist" [eng]

Quentin Smith "The uncaused beginning of the Universe " [eng]