Root>Main>Antievolutionary movement>Persons>Wells, Jonathan

Wells, Jonathan

Richard Weisenberg "Challenging ideas against teaching of evolution " [eng]

Bruce Grant "Charges of fraud misleading" [eng]

Jerry Coyne "Creationism by stealth" [eng]

Jerry Coyne "Criticism of moth study no challenge to evolution" [eng]

Jonathan Wells "Darwinism: why I went for a second Ph.D." [eng]

Kim Johnson "Dave Thomas and Kim Johnson reply to Jonathan Wells" [eng]

Nic Tamzek "Icon of obfuscation: Jonathan Wells' book 'Icons of Evolution' and why most of what it teaches about evolution is wrong" [eng]

Scott Goodman "Icons of anti-evolution: Archaeopteryx" [eng]

Dave Thomas "Icons of anti-evolution: Darwin's finches" [eng]

Robert Thomas "Icons of anti-evolution: Darwin's tree of life" [eng]

Paul Myers "Icons of anti-evolution: Haeckel's embryos" [eng]

Fedor Steeman "Icons of anti-evolution: fossil horses" [eng]

Edward Max "Icons of anti-evolution: homology" [eng]

Ian Musgrave "Icons of anti-evolution: peppered moths" [eng]

Ian Musgrave "Icons of anti-evolution: the Miller-Urey experiment" [eng]

Dave Thomas "Icons of anti-evolution: the nature of science" [eng]

Kevin O'Brien "Icons of evolution: Darwin's tree of life" [eng]

Kevin O'Brien "Icons of evolution: homology" [eng]

Dave Ussery "Icons of evolution: legitimate questions of evolution, or stealth creationism?" [eng]

Kevin O'Brien "Icons of evolution: origin of life" [eng]

Jim Dawson "Icons of evolution: science or myth?" [eng]

Massimo Pigliucci "No icons of evolution: a review of Jonathan Wells' 'Icons of Evolution'" [eng]

"Responses to Jonathan Wells's 'Ten questions to ask your biology teacher'" [eng]

Alan Gishlick "The talented Mr. Wells" [eng]