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Privates by Satan
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Project Steve and the Appeal to Authority
Project Steve: n > 800
Purim 1946? Not Exactly
PZ Myers is such a LIAR!
Reason and Common Ground: A Response to The Creati...
Reinventing the wheel
Religion and skepticism: can (and should!) skeptic...
Religious Freedom And Other Crimes Against Humanit...
Rep. Rush Holt: Intelligent Design: It's Not Even ...
Reply to a Creationist
Report on the 2005 Mega Creation Conference
Response to Dembski's Accusations
Response to Rabbi Segal
Response to slanderers
Response? What Response?: How Dembski has avoided ...
Rev. Ridiculous doesn't speak well for intelligent...
Review of
The Privileged Planet
Review of WA Dembski
Review: The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in th...
Science and Non-Science: An Epistemological Confli...
Science education and attitudes toward evolution a...
Science Equals Murder
Science In the Eyes Of a Scientist
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Scientists vs. Intelligent Design
Scientists, sex mark Day 10
Secondary Addiction Part II: Ann Coulter on Evolut...
Secondary Addiction Part III: Ann Coulter on Evolu...
Secondary Addiction: Ann Coulter on Evolution
Seeing and Believing
SETI and Intelligent Design
Sewell's thermodynamic failure
Shermer and Dembski in Bridgewater
Should We "Teach the Controversy"?
Show Me Proof
Simple Halachic observations and Jewish universali...
Solving the Bible Code Puzzle
Some Bible-code related experiments and discussion...
Some remarks in regard to D. Witztum's writings co...
Some remarks regarding comparative morality
Some Thoughts on Elliot N. Dorff,
To Do the Rig...
Something rotten in Denmark?
Speech by U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III to...
Spelling the End of Grant Jeffrey's "Jesus Codes"
Spetner and Biological Information
State of the University Address
Stephen Meyer's Bogus Information Theory
Steve Fuller and The Hidden Agenda of Social Const...
Steve Fuller shows us what he's made of
Strange Bedfellows: Science, Politics and Religion
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Study of Letter Serial Correlation (LSC) in some H...
Study of Letter Serial Correlation (LSC) in some H...
Study of Letter Serial Correlation (LSC) in some H...
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Texas Citizens for Science Responds to Latest Disc...
Texas education official forced to resign over evo...
The Dream World of William Dembski's Creationism
The "Algorithm Room": Can the "Design Inference" C...
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Kitzmiller et al. v...
on Dembski
The Accidental Tumor
The Anthropic Principle Does Not Support Supernatu...
The Anthropic Principles - Reasonable and Unreason...
The Bible "codes": a textual perspective
The Bible and Astronomy
The Cambrian as an evolutionary exemplar
The Case Against the Codes
The Chicken or the Egg
The chosen among us
The Constitutional Debate over Teaching Intelligen...
The Coulter Hoax: How Ann Coulter Exposed the Inte...
The Design Argument
The Design Revolution? How William Dembski Is Dodg...
The Designer-of-the-Gaps Revisited
The DI and the smoking gun that wasn't
The Dover Books Cometh
The End of the Beginning
The Ever-Imminent Collapse of Evolution
The evolution wars enter the "No Spin Zone"
The Fact of Evolution: Implications for Science Ed...
The Faith That Dare Not Speak Its Name
The Final Adventures of the Blind Locksmith
The Fine-Tuned Universe -- the insignificance of v...
The Fine-Tuning Argument
The Fine-Tuning Argument Revisited
The Galvanic Response
The Great Desecration
The Great Mutator
The Haeckel-Wells Chronicles
The idea of the sanctity of the Biblical text and ...
The Imminent Demise of Evolution: The Longest Runn...
The Infinite Universe and Dembski's Design Inferen...
The Kuzari - The Principle and the Formalism
The Limits of Organic Life in Planetary Systems
The Mother of All Disruptions: The Bible Code’s Je...
The mousetrap
The Nitty Gritty Bit
The No Free Lunch Theorems and their application t...
The Open Letters File
The peppered moth: a black and white story after a...
The Purpose of Life is a Beach
The Religious and the Scientific Aspects of the De...
The Return of the Design Argument
The Revenge of Calvin and Hobbes; Behe's Meaningle...
The Revenge of Pythagoras: How a Mathematical Shar...
The Risale-i Nur on Naturalism
The Rise and Fall of the Bible Code
The Rise and Fall of the Gans Experiment
The Roots of ID
The scientific vacuity of ID: design inference ver...
The Signature of an Ignoramus
The slippery slope controversy
The Torah Codes: Puzzle and Solution
The True History of the Wedge
The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Tr...
The view from 2016
The Wedge at Work: How Intelligent Design Creation...
The Wrathful Dispersion controversy: A Canadian pe...
The Year in ID
Theistic Evolution: more evolution and less supern...
There "They" go again!
There Is a Free Lunch After All: William Dembski's...
Theses on the nature of human morality
Thou shalt not separate thyself from the collectiv...
To laugh or to cry? Make your choice
Verifying the Eternal via the Temporal?
Viewpoint discrimination - Where are the ID propon...
Von Neumann, Berlinski, and evolution
War of reviews
Wave-particle duality demystified?
Wedging Creationism into the Academy
Weekend At Behe’s
Wells vs Mutant Mice
West on the legal and ethical propriety of Judge J...
What Does "Intelligent Agency by Proxy" Do for The...
What else could be expected from Dembski?
What is wrong with Intelligent Design?
What We're up Against
When quote mining becomes quote mania
When was the Zohar Written?
Whirled Does Musicals
Whose head is ugly? Jonathan Wells and Lysenkoism
Why "Intelligent Design" is more interesting than ...
Why Are Scientists Confident that Complex Biologic...
Why Intelligent Design Doesn't Cut It: A Primer
Why Intelligent Design Fails
Why is it Unconstitutional to Teach Intelligent De...
Why It's Unconstitutional to Teach "Intelligent De...
Why scientists dismiss 'intelligent design'
William Dembski Factors 59!
William Dembski's Treatment of the No Free Lunch T...
Wrongly Inferred Design
Yin and Yang of Kenneth Miller
Zombie Jamboree in Texas
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